Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Staying True to Your Word

Staying true to your word is a huge responsibility. Staying true to your word just means that when you say something, or make a promise you’re going to follow through with what you said. Sometimes it’s impossible to do because you bit off way more than you can fit in your mouth (comes from the expression: bite off more than you can chew). Doing that will lead to people not believing you, not wanting to believe you, or not even have any type of communication with you. If that was to happen, you would be one lonesome person. When you lie to others about a promise your lie yourself, and evenually begin to lose yourself. You can always try and gain your trust back from people and that shows dedication, but don’t expect it too soon. If you make promises that you can keep and do keep them, people will start to believe you again.
In my book, Darnell Rock Reporting, by Walter Dean Myers, Darnell is on the school newspaper. At first he didn’t take it serious. He said he said he was going to do his job by getting his research but didn’t. People were disappointed in him and it showed. So after he saw how much he was affecting everyone he got serious about everything. There’s just something about people that makes you change your ways. When we’re doing something our friends don’t like they become distant from us and makes us want to change our ways, become we don’t like being neglected
To my memory I’ve been keeping my promises for a very long time. Once I hit 6th grade, I didn’t really see how much it affected people when I don’t keep my part of a promise. When I started doing that I had people individually coming up to me and ask for favors. When that started happening I know I had everyone’s trust. Then eventually, somehow, I became everyone’s therapist. When that happened I knew people trusted me on a whole other level, and that made me feel special.
Let’s take my hero as an example, Charlotte Ray, she was a bright person. Everyone downgraded her just because of her skin color. She tried to gain peoples trust and respect but because she had dark skin they wouldn’t allow it. Eventually she gained it, that trust and respect she wanted so much by becoming the first black women lawyer. That just goes to show you that anything can happen. Just because it doesn’t work out at first doesn’t mean it won’t happen at all. If you give up, all the nasty things people say about you could be true because you didn’t defend yourself. Or you just gave up. It might take your whole life, but at least you can accomplish something big.
To see what other people have to say about honest and the power of words visit


  1. Great Blog. I love this keep it up.!!!

  2. I love reading this.I swear this is great ,i wish i had your talent.

  3. Staying true to your word is a very tough task, that is why I never make a promise that i cant keep. Keep up the good work.!!

  4. Keeping a promise is always a good thing. Not keeping your promise can affect others,others depend on you to keep your promise so it is in your best interest to keep it.

  5. I think that telling the truth is a dying virtue these days. Some people have no problem telling a lie. As a teacher I've had parents lie to my face. Can I expect better from the children who eventually figures out that their parents lies when it works to their advantage.Teaching and telling the truth go hand in hand. Whe you are truthful people know it. If there is a timne when you are not able to fulfill your word people who know you will know that it was not intentional. Honest people have a reputation of integrity that has been built up over time. Things happen and the best laid plans don't always pan out. True liars are known for their lies bacause that is who they are. They have built a reputation also.It has been my experience to listen to people. If they tell small lies they will have no problems with big one. Steer clear of them and make no exceptions of putting any trust into them.
